Grace Ponchon

Meet the Maker

Established in 2015, Rag Treasure Doll Co. has been the creative home of Grace Ponchon. Just recently she has progressed to a new business name called Northern Spirit Doll Co. presenting a new line of 18″ dolls “THE NORTHERN SPIRIT DOLL” dressed in her own crea-tive designs. Grace began sewing as a teenager and has continued this passion ever since. Of all her many sewing projects throughout the years, sewing doll clothes was the one that gave her the most fulfillment.Grace’s outfits are designed and professionally finished with noticeably fine detail with many styles to choose from.

Recently inspired by family history, Grace has begun to create doll clothes that reflect her families past. As far back as she can remember her family shared stories of their rich Metis heritage and the culture and importance of this new nation.

Her family connection to Louis Riel has always been key importance and a great source of pride. Her maternal grandmother was Louis Riels niece, Sara Riel. When Grace was born, she and her mother, Pauline, moved into, the now historic, Riel House where she lived for the first few months of her life .

Having raised six children of her own, Grace firmly believes in the importance of children seeing their own identity and experiences of others. Diverse play items are important for all children. As a Metis person and owner of Northern Spirit Doll Co. by Grace hope is to help children advance their social and emotional development through positive play. Northern Spirit Doll Co. by Grace endeavors to make available doll clothes to adorn her custom made line of 18″ “Northern Spirit Doll” to encourage a respect for diversity in our modern world.

Their Work

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