Joe Couchraine – Drum Made with Rawhide


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SKU: 969542P

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Weight 1 kg

About the Artist

Joseph Couchraine

When Joseph visited here on holidays in 2000 from BC, he met a person who was with the St. Norbert Local which is a Métis group. He purchased a blueprint from Lower Fort Garry so we could make a full sized red river ox cart. He made 5 of them in St Norbert Art Center and shipped them to the border of Minnesota and Manitoba by truck. Then they made a trip from Minnesota and Manitoba to Winnipeg for Indigenous Days, only one made the trip. Then Joseph took ill for many years. In 2020 he met with Orille Haugan, he was one of the people who helped build the large ox carts, who got him do presentations for the MET camp. He had made an Aboriginal Ceremonial Staff for the presentation. Orille Haugan encouraged him to make the miniature ox carts for the MMF. Joseph's connection to his Métis heritage is through his godmother was the first Métis in his family, her maiden name was Ayout and her godfather was Louis Riel.
  • He was the first to carry the Métis flag in the United States Memorial Day in Missoula, Montana.
  • He was the first to carry the Métis flag for the Color Party for the legion in Creston, BC, Canada
  • He had the honor to carry the Sacred Eagle Staff for the Indigenous Days in 2019 at The Forks in Winnipeg, Manitoba
  • He was also the Métis Flag bearer for many pow wow's at The Forks in Winnipeg, MB, Canada, and was supported by the First Nation
  • He was asked to carry the Aboriginal Ceremonial Staff at Grand Entries.
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