Doug Pople

Doug is a proud Métis originally from Portage la Prairie. He has a demonstrated passion for Indigenization in all facets of life and a solid commitment to the principle of decolonizing in order to achieve a fair society.

Culture is of paramount importance, both learning and sharing. Doug is an avid harvester of both plants and animals yet always lives the belief of, only take what you need and leave plenty for future generations. The passion to reclaim his Métis heritage is a decade’s long journey with no end in sight. Travelling to and experiencing historical sites such as Ste. Madeleine, Batoche, Duck Lake, Rooster Town and Fish Creek is so important to his understanding of Métis history.

His Kookum is with him in spirit every time he stands up and proudly proclaims his Métis ancestry, which she had to give up 90 years ago in order to survive in the settler world. Part of his journey is to learn everything Métis. After reading an article by Laurie Barkwell on the significance of the Wolf Willow, the hook was set. He harvested enough Wolf Willow berries to make one necklace, he harvested more and then made necklaces for family members. He saw pictures of Wolf Willow earrings, thought this would be an interesting project, and loved how the Wolf Willow seeds created a beautiful contrast with the colourful beads. Adding copper seemed like a great idea and he incorporated that into his creations. He upcycles used copper to turn it into art.

Doug strives to be a positive role model and always promote meaningful change, especially those that recognize Indigenous ways of knowing, researching and working. He is also a huge proponent of personal growth and individual empowerment, while still being aware of the historical realities in which we live and the challenges and barriers many Indigenous people still face to this day.

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